It’s hell getting old, but it beats the heck out of dying young.™
  42484544_ml“Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food.”  -- Hippocrates According to Jeff Klien, CEO of Working for Good, “A healthy ecosystem requires healthy organisms.  By taking care of yourself—eating well, exercising, getting enough rest, and so on—you bring energy and vitality to work that positively affects others and influences the overall ecosystem.”

Healthy Lifestyle Tips

  • Calories: In order to retain a steady weight, the amount of calories taken in must equal the amount of calories burned. But without paying attention to how much you eat at meals, and through snacking, it is easy to overeat.  Here are some tips to help you keep your calorie intake in check:
    • Limit eating while cooking. While you’re cooking it’s tempting to sample the foods, but it’s better to wait and eat when the meal is served.
    • Don’t eat what others leave behind. Resist eating leftovers from your child’s or spouse’s plate.  It’s easy to forget the calories that weren’t on your own plate.
    • Plate your meal. To monitor portion control, plate your food rather than eating it out of its container.
    • Don’t put extra food on the table. Serve your food onto plates at the cooking area to prevent temptation for second helpings.
    • Choose filing foods. Selecting filling foods can help you eat less.  Whole grains and lean protein are excellent choices.  For other meals, start with a bowl of soup to take the edge off your appetite.  Eating three whole fruits a day can also fill you up.  Good choices include apples, oranges, and grapefruit.
    • Eat half when dining out. Dining out is a major contributor to overeating.  Next time, share your meal with another person, or eat only half of your meal and take the rest home.  You’ll be surprised when you plate the remaining food how much there actually is.
    • Slow down. Eating quickly, you often eat too much.
    • Pay attention. Eating while you are doing something else often leads to overeating.  Create a quiet time to enjoy your meal and concentrate on its tastes and textures.
    • Eat regularly. Extreme hunger can also lead to overeating, so eat at regular intervals throughout the day.
    • Drink water. Alcohol, soda, and juices can contribute to unwanted weight gain.  Drink fewer high-calorie beverages, or better yet, cut them out altogether.
    • Listen to your body. Before grabbing a snack, ask yourself if you are really hungry, or if you are reacting to boredom or your emotions.
    • Cue yourself that the meal is over. We may not feel our meal is complete without dessert.  Next time, skip the cake and establish a new food cue instead, like tea, coffee, or chewing gum.  This is a healthier way to signal the end of a meal.
    • Learn healthy portion sizes. Successful portion control means knowing healthy portion sizes.  Use the “Nutrition Facts” chart found on all pre-packaged foods as a guide.
“I was very pleasantly surprised with the level of detail and attention that the trainers at Fifty give to me. Your program for not just being physically fit, but also a healthy lifestyle is refreshing and rewarding.” Tanya J.